Carton invitation vernissage exposition
Carton invitation vernissage exposition

carton invitation vernissage exposition

Publications by the Association Georges Guinot Texts : Laurent Guillaut, Caroline Bernus, Jacqueline Guinot, Marta Amico, Fabien Bordelès, René Couturier, Pierre Boilley. Touareg worlds chronicles by Georges Guinot, painter, and by Suzanne and Edmond Bernus, anthropologist and geographer.Lydia Haremburg : Venise, gondolas and traghetti, La Gazette of Hôtel Drouot, mars 2006.Guinot, prophet to Sédières, La Montagne, 1999 Marc Hérissé : Geoges Guinot, La Gazette of Hôtel Drouot, 1997.Harry Kampiann : Bulls, Arts Actualités Magazine, 1997.Gérard Xuriguera : The Figuratives, 1985.Patrick Grainville : Introduction for the exhibition Hoggar, Fiac, Paris, 1984.Gérard Xuriguera : A look at contemporary painting.

carton invitation vernissage exposition

Michèle Decoust : Introduction for the retrospective PAC de Brest, 1981.France Telecom ordered a mural painting for the Post Office in Ussel (Corrèze) Venice, 1987.Continental Bank of Illinois ordered 2 tapestries, one for their office in Bruxelles, Estrencha I, one for their office in London, Barral (3×5 m).

carton invitation vernissage exposition

The Assistance Publique (Public Works Dept) ordered a ceiling for the Hôtel-Dieu: l’Auriva e Vingu Querre lo Paire Tripyque (3x5x15 m) in 1975, architects: Costa de Beauregard and Marc Vareille.The Museum for the Ville de Paris bought a polyptyque Study on white (240×240 cm), Oil on canvas, (1973).


  • The French national archive acquired Comma a la Nobre a taperstry woven by l’Atelier Plasse Le Caisne (1973).
  • Salon de Mai – Paris – 1975 Salon des Réalités Nouvelles – Paris – 1973, 1974, 1975 Acquisitions
  • 1st Biennale internationale de la Tapisserie, Menton – 1975.
  • Exhibitions of Tapestries by l’Atelier Plasse Le Caisne Introduction to brochure by Michèle Decoust. 10 years of painting: 50 canvases from the first period and 5 tapestries.

    Carton invitation vernissage exposition